Did you see MSNBC's long-winded and certainly anticipated run for cover by that sterling alumnus of Temple University, Steve Capus, on "Countdown" hosted by the also usually sterling, but suddenly tarnished host, Keith Olbermann last night? What a joke! There was Capus, looking ever so much like the illegitimate, be-speckled son of John Cleese, bearing that familiar and sad "Poor Me..." puppy dog look that all rich, white men show with such over-acted presence whenever they are about to explain how bad they feel at the very moment they have just done something "for the good of us all...", but invariably involves the certain fucking-over of at least one of us. Are you serious?
His expression of his was, without a doubt, one that he has been practicing to show us every morning while shaving his bland mug ever since he slipped in behind the colored feathers of the Mighty Peacock and took over their news division, supposedly in the pose and guise of becoming the "ethical anchor at NBC..". Meanwhile, the intrepid Don Imus was out there twisting in the public air wave winds in the foreground, sitting barefaced and brazen on his show every morning on MSNBC. These jokers knew from jump street that Imus was ever-threatening to make a potentially dangerous ass out of himself and the rest of these pale, white executive geniuses who were "...right behind Don"...right up to the last moment until they realized their money cow would have to be killed and butchered.
And all the while, these pablum and milktoast eating empty suits were shoveling in bushel baskets full of money that advertisers would spend to kill their own mothers if they thought it would give them a better chance to have Don Imus pour their syrupy droning drivel into ears and eyes of all those loyal Imus followers in America. Do you think for one minute that Capus wasn't prepared for what took place on April 11th, 2007 when he shit-canned Don Imus from the moment he arrived at NBC?
But now we come to the real subject of the sub-text to this story. Did you notice how often Capus mentioned that apparently, complaints about the bad conduct of Don Imus had been pouring into his office and "piling up for some considerable amount of time"? I would bet Dollars to Colored Peacock Feathers that the real reason for Imus suffering his inevitable and catastrophic public failure was due to the refusal of Capus and the rest of the supervision at NBC to effectively deal with him as a problem employee.
Here was a man who spent so many years gawk-walking while gawk-talking down the hallowed halls at NBC, terrorizing lesser minions in his wake and, while so many others around him got filthy rich, making the balance of his support team perpetually miserable. Meanwhile, Imus was giving those at the top grossly generous paychecks and perks, with the others around him receiving the rest of the money that very nicely trickled down and provide them all with job security. Yet all the while, the likes of Steve Capus and his ilk were always ready with a razor sharp axe (and a good cover story) to chop off the old tousled, sandy haired head of their Golden Goose.
Do you suppose there would be many justified law suits against an organization that would allow the behavior of someone like Don Imus to perpetually and tyrannically rule over all those employees who were incessantly and publicly harassed by that old jackass, only to be threatened with dismissal for complaining about it?
I can almost hear his too soft and oh, so smarmy voice of the character who could play Capus in the “Made Just For Real People” Movie of the Week:
Fade in.
A dimly lit, but huge and nicely appointed office. There is a tiny, trembling and emotionally wounded female employee of MSNBC’s “Imus in the Morning” staff cowers in an uncomfortably stiff-backed office chair (with two inches of the legs sawn off for effect) Opposite her is “Caput”, the smarmy, mean executive who is sitting opposite across the vast landscape of his oak desk, framed by the perfection of his Feng Shui balanced document organizers. Looking at the little woman without so much as one blink, he leans slovenly back, almost canted in angular disgust, gazing back at her from his plush, soft leather chair. Then, quite suddenly, he launches himself to a standing position and hovering across his desk, he glares wildly, with that twisted, stupid smile he so often shows when in the act of destroying those in his way and yest, quietly speaks to the shuddering victim:
"Do you like your job here at NBC? A long, pregnant silence follows and fills the room. He adds thereafter with a confirming, “Well…of COURSE you do, don’t you? Well then… perhaps you should re-consider your personal problems and these issues you seem to be creating and …..JUST STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM THE “IMAN”!!! At the loudest portion of his demand, he gestures in the air with a bat-like motion, showing his effeminate hands and fingers, using bi-lateral finger quotes ”” for additional and redundant emphasis where none is really needed. He then continues to hiss loudly while slowly sinking back down into the comfortable chair, “…and while you’re at it…why not just enjoy all that money we are paying you to put up with him....Yes?" The little woman’s head droops into her waiting open palms, lubricated by her sobs and tears.
Fade to Black.
Now, if you take all of the supposed bosses over Don Imus, starting with his bald producer, Bernie McGuirk and perhaps ending with… let’s not forget…. Good… Old….Ethical… Steve Capus…and you fire the both of them for neither disciplining him properly for all those prior violations of NBC’s sacred Rules of Conduct for All Employees nor firing him at the very instant that Bernie (first) and Imus (second) uttered the killer phrase “Nappy Headed Hoes”….Then ….Yes… Then and only then would NBC will be able to tout it’s alleged value system on all the other media outlets that now pander to such a disgusting display of corporate-cover-your-ass Bullshit.
Had they done this…Don Imus would never have been able to acquire the legendary status of being such a serious asshole or ever been put in a position to be martyred. And had they really done all of this truthfully…honestly…without all this disgusting, fake and false indignation….NBC would have been able to hold their “ethical” heads high. But wait a minute…Are You Serious???
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